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As deadly heat waves sweep across the country, this hack to cool you down might end up being lethal.
Experts are urging people to not attach bags of ice to their fans, as seen in viral trends on TikTok, as a way to cool down, since it could cause an electric shock.
The trend, which began circulating on the video-sharing platform, shows users tying bags of ice to their electric fans in an attempt to create a makeshift air conditioner.
While it might feel refreshing at first, water — albeit frozen — and electricity just don’t mix. According to UK consumer safety charity Electrical Safety First, the desperate attempt for some cool air could result in electrocution.
“Tying a bag of ice to a fan is very risky as it could destabilize the fan which may make it fall over, causing the blades to hit the guard and put the motor under additional strain, as well as potentially breaking your fan altogether,” ESF product safety engineer Giuseppe Capanna told The Sun.
“However, most importantly, the water that melts from the bag has a chance of coming into contact with the motor and causing an electric shock risk to anyone touching the fan,” he added.
The warning follows record-breaking temperatures scorching the globe, as the UK experienced 104-degree Fahrenheit temperatures — the highest ever recorded — and millions in the US are placed under heat advisories.
As of Tuesday, CNN reported at least one-third of the US population will experience some variation of heat warnings, while 80% of the country will see temperatures soar to 90 degrees or more.
Specifically in Manhattan, New Yorkers are about to get roasted through the weekend, forecasters warn. On Tuesday, Fox Weather meteorologists told The Post there was a predicted high of 94 degrees and a heat index of about 100 for Wednesday.
Thursday is when the heat will spike, experts warned, saying a heat advisory is predicted from noon to 8 p.m. Wednesday, with temperatures soaring 8 degrees higher than usual for this time of year.
For those looking to cool down without increasing their risk of electric shock, putting a bucket of ice in front of a fan — not attached to it — is an approved way to achieve maximum cooling. But keep it as far away from the fan as possible to put your safety first.
Alternatively, drinking more water, staying out of the sun during peak hours, wearing lightweight clothing, taking cold showers and even knocking back a beer could help you keep your cool as temperatures continue to rise.