It's not every day that a Hello Kitty clothing line launches for adults — and it isn't the cheesy shit you find in Times Square tourist shops. You can thank British company Lazy Oaf for that. The brand makes Looney Toons and Nintendo graphics look like cool-girl, street style bait, in pastel hues and roomy, comfortable shapes. And don't even get me started on the adorable bathing suits. (I'm partial to the cat face bikini and watermelon one-piece.) Prices aren't cheap, but you can bet you'll be the only one in the room wearing a Lazy Oaf item.
This is even more true for the brand's Hello Kitty line, which drops online this week. As a massive Hello Kitty fan, I pretty much want everything, especially my two favorite items, shown above: the Frilly Denim Jacket ($154) and Denim Skirt ($83.) There are also dresses, tees, pants, socks, bags, and hoodies. While you might not dress head-to-toe in Hello Kitty, an item from this line will basically make your summer wardrobe.
Check out some of my other favorites, below.
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If Hello Kitty isn't your thing, the brand's Rainbow Cardigan emblazoned with BORING on the back is perfect for someone feeling a bit moody about Monday (or Tuesday, or Wednesday...).
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Or you can go for the equally emotional Problem Child Cardigan.
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I for one will be shopping the Hello Kitty collection the second it goes online Thursday, June 15 on
London's top fashionista shares her style advice:
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