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Welcome to Gimme That, a column where we’ll highlight one notable item we think you might like. Whether it’s an article of clothing, an intriguing electronic device or anything in between, we want to share these items with you because they’ve generated a bit of chatter by our water cooler (or, these days, in our Slack channel). So sit back, scroll down and keep up with the latest gear golf has to offer.
Sunday Golf started out making Sunday bags (as their name suggests) for low-key range sessions and casual par-3 rounds. But, as the brand has grown overtime, so have their product categories.
Their latest bag — the El Camino — is a regular-sized golf bag for a full set of clubs that maintains the brand’s slim, easy-going look and feel. At just under four pounds, this bag is extremely lightweight, making it a great option for walkers. It’s available in a few colors, but we’re really loving the midnight green and seafoam — colors not often seen in this product category. If you’re looking for a simple, no fuss golf bag that’s stylish and lightweight with functional storage, this is the one.
All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. If you buy a linked product, GOLF.COM may earn a fee. Pricing may vary. and GOLF Magazine are published by EB GOLF MEDIA LLC, a division of 8AM GOLF