‘Look for something easy to open’: how to pick a good school lunchbox | Parents and parenting | The Guardian

2022-05-14 06:13:19 By : Mr. Peter Wang

Picking the right lunchbox comes down to a mix of practicality and personal preference

S tackable cubes; hardtop lunchboxes; multi-compartment boxes; bento boxes; multi-level cooler bags; cooler bags the size of a backpack; individual containers – as I sifted through the countless, brightly coloured options for my children’s lunchboxes this year, I began to feel like a disgruntled actor from an informercial, shrugging in defeat and blowing my hair from my eyes.

But in my informercial, there was no hero product coming to my rescue. Just more variations of lunchboxes.

Kate Browne, personal finance expert from Finder – who you may recognise as the Guilty Mum from ABC’s series The Checkout – agrees that the process of buying a new lunchbox can be confounding. “Finding the right lunchbox for your child depends on a few factors.”

So, what are those factors?

“If they are new school starters, look for something that is easy to open with compartments for recess and lunchtime for little people to access,” Browne suggests.

Leanne Elliston, who is an accredited practising dietitian, a program manager from Nutrition Australia ACT and a Healthy Lunchbox Week coordinator, echoes this.

“A common reason for lunchbox food coming home uneaten is because children could not access their food in the first place,” she says.

Elliston suggests doing “a few test runs at home before starting school so your child is confident with opening and closing their lunchbox. That also goes for little reusable containers and zip bags within the lunchbox too”.

Take into consideration the type of foods your child is happy to eat at school, and choose a lunchbox that accommodates these.

“Around a third of children’s daily food intake comes from the lunchbox so it is essential we include a range of nourishing foods that will support their learning and overall health,” Elliston says. “Providing a balance of foods from each food group” is the aim, but your child’s preferences also matter.

“For children who like their food separated and enjoy picking at bits and pieces, a bento style lunchbox might be best,” Elliston says. “For children who love their sandwiches, wraps or rolls then go for one that has plenty of room to prevent the bread from squashing, and also provides enough space for some fruit and vegetable snacks.”

She says to go easy on the highly processed packaged snacks. “These foods are usually high in added sugar which can affect children’s ability to concentrate for long periods of time.” They also tend to be excessive in kilojoules and low in nutrients. On the environmental front, they’re not great either. “Most of the rubbish in school bins comes from food packaging brought from home,” Elliston says.

Also on waste minimising, Elliston says that auditing your child’s lunchbox won’t just help with selecting a new one; it also helps cut down on food waste. When school starts, she suggests looking at what is left over at the end of the day so you can “avoid overfilling the lunchbox with food your child won’t eat”.

Professional organiser Katrina Springer, of the Organised Housewife website, says a key consideration for food safety is ensuring that the materials of the lunchbox or bag you use are made from non-toxic materials. For this, she says to look for BPA-free options.

Many lunchboxes available now can be fiddly not just to open, but to clean. Springer suggests placing substance over style and avoiding anything too elaborate. Before you buy a lunchbox, make sure it is dishwasher or washing machine safe. If you have to hand wash, a lunchbox with only one lid will also help prevent bacteria growth.

In addition to cleanliness, another aspect to food safety is the heat. “The school term starts in the hottest time of the year so look for a lunchbox that has an ice pack or ice compartment to keep food cool,” Browne says. Heat is also a consideration when it comes to healthy eating. If fresh fruit and vegetables have wilted by lunchtime, they are less likely to be appealing.

Browne recommends researching lunchboxes online to find bulk packs and compare prices. “We recommend stores like Amazon, eBay and Catch for these kinds of products,” she says.

While it is easy to become caught up in the insta-worthy lunchbox trap and spend lots of money making your child’s lunchbox the most creative and attractive, Elliston says there are better ways to spend your time. A good lunchbox should be “simple, safe and smart”.