It’s hot as hell. You’re sweaty and thirsty and hungry and now you have to tie on a new hook.
You can’t tie the hook because you can’t see and your readers are over there between the cooler and bait well. Doesn’t matter, really, since a combo of sweat and sunscreen has now run into your eyes and rendered you both hopeless and helpless.
Somehow, muscle-memory allows you to get the job done, but you’re physically and mentally drained and, seriously, is this any time to take another minute to pinch down the barb on that hook?
Yeah, probably. Take a deep breath and grab the pliers.
Watch:Mako shark goes ballistic after taking hookless bait
Weighing the pros and cons of barbless hooks, you should probably make barb-pinching part of your routine.
For starters, barbless is obviously better for the fish.
“With today's situation of numerous regulations on fish, barbless hooks are more fitting than ever,” says Gene Lytwyn, longtime owner-operator of The Fishin’ Hole in Daytona Beach. “With almost every species of fish having either a size limit, quantity limit, or closed season, we’re releasing more fish than ever.
“Barbless hooks cause less trauma, and are easier to remove from the fish, so the fish has a better survival rate.”
Eyeballing that barb, it seems obvious that a fish would find it harder to shake off that hook as opposed to one without the barb. True, but not if you’re on the ball.
“Barbless hooks require the angler to keep the line tight, throughout the whole fight, or risk the fish throwing the hook much easier than it could with a barbed hook,” Lytwyn says.
And yes, barbless will eventually prove better for the person on the other side of the fishing equation. That would be you. Fish often enough with kids or scatter-shot rookies, it’s just a matter of time before the business end of a hook penetrates flesh.
How you like your barb now, hoss?
Sure, you can buy barbless hooks but probably should do your own pinching. Some veteran anglers, and probably a few aero physicists, will point to that tiny lump on the hook, where the barb has been mostly flattened.
That bump is no barb, but it provides a wee bit of extra resistance for a hook that might otherwise slide out of a fish's lip.
Ready for the “however?” Here goes.
However, there might be times when the barb is best.
“When using softer baits such as shrimp, the barb will hold the bait better,” says Palm Coast Capt. Mike Vickers. “The opposite is true when using hard baits such as crabs — the barb blows a big exit hole, making it easier to throw the bait off.
“When using minnows or mullet, I find the type of hook is the major factor. A barbless circle hook is best. With a J-hook, I find the minnow can literally swim off the hook at times.”
All things being equal, Vickers says go barbless.
“I’ve fished a lot of small waters where you will hook the same fish several times throughout the year,” he says. “The survival rate of deep-hooked fish with barbless compared to barbed can be as high as 4-to-1.
"I’ve seen fish pass barbless hooks, but have not seen any pass a barbed hook.”
Now there’s a guy who pays attention to details!
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FISHBITES:The idea for Fishbites began with young Billy Carr in New Smyrna Beach
In the hottest days of summer, your best bet in the intracoastal seems to be early mornings around oyster bars and mangroves, where you might pick off a mangrove snapper or summer flounder.
So says Capt. Jeff Patterson (Pole Dancer charter), who’s been spending extra time in and just beyond Ponce Inlet to find fish. But even that can be challenging.
“The inlet has been a little more hit and miss for me,” he says. “The water has been pretty dirty, especially on outgoing tide and for the first half of incoming. Been picking up redfish, with some slot and some over-slot, using live shrimp and pinfish.”
Reminder time: Your fishing app likely refers to mangrove snapper as gray snapper. Either way, you can call them good eatin'. Gotta be 10 inches to be legal, and the daily bag limit is five.
BJ Taylor (Southern Bred charters) confirms Patterson’s review of the water quality, and says you have to be patient with the incoming tide, which eventually brings a cleaner flood.
Still, these days it’s mostly croakers and small whiting.
“The sharks have been a big problem hitting the surf rigs,” Taylor says.
Back to Capt. Mike Vickers (Hammock Beach Bait & Tackle) for the northside roundup.
“The beaches are reporting whiting, jacks, Spanish mackerel, bluefish, and sharks,” he says.
All the usual suspects can be had in the ICW and Matanzas Inlet, he adds, but you might be doomed if you wait until that sun gets above the trees.
“The summer pattern has firmly established itself,” Capt. Mike says, “so fish early and late in the day, and right after the storms for best results.”
While the Sea Spirit has been finding quantity and quality “out yonder,” some of Capt. Jeff Patterson’s clients aboard the Pole Dancer have been requesting shark-fishing adventures closer to the coastline.
Coincidentally, or maybe not, the Discovery Channel’s 34th annual Shark Week begins Sunday.
“There’s been a bunch of them just outside the inlet,” Patterson says. “There’s been hammerheads, blacknose, blacktips, and Atlantic sharpnose for the most part. In my opinion, the sharpnose are pretty fun — they’re 3 to 4 feet, and the smaller sharks do faster runs. It’s been fun for all ages.”
Also: The Halifax Sport Fishing Club’s annual kingfish tournament is slated for Aug. 13, with captains meeting on Aug. 11 and awards banquet Aug. 14 at the First Turn in Port Orange.
Same ol’, same ol’. Rise with the milkman and get out there at Dark-30, you have a shot.
“The first few hours of sunlight will be your most productive for whatever you might be chasing,” says Capt. Bryn Adams (Highland Park in DeLand).
Best shot at a largemouth bass isn’t just early, but deep, out in the main St. Johns, where the deeper water can be just cool enough to spur a fish into chasing food.
Several miles upriver in Astor, Kerry McPherson says the heat and afternoon thunderstorms have slowed things to a crawl at his South Moon Fish Camp.
“We get some boaters on the weekend, but other than that it’s pretty slow,” he says. “Last Friday, we had some people go out and they caught a 9-pound bass, so they were pretty happy.”
We want to see your most recent catch. Email your fish photos to
Please include first and last name of angler(s), as well as type of fish (we're occasionally stumped). All are included with our online fishing report, and some occasionally make the print edition.