© 2022 Golden West Broadcasting. All Rights Reserved.
From 10am to 6 pm all drinks are only $5.00. It doesn't matter what you want: Beer, Wine or Spirits the cost is the same $5.00. We will be using a ticket system so just stop in the Vimy Room, pick up your drink tickets, and the rest is whatever your personal choice is. All Beer will be served out of the Vimy room and all Wine and Spirits will be served from the Lounge.
From 10am to 4 pm we will be selling Taco in a bag for $8.00, various kinds of soft drinks for $1.00 and your choice of chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry ice cream for only $1.00. All of these will be available either in the Legion Lobby or in front of our building depending on the weather.
Also from 10 am to 2 pm we will be selling our Fathers Day raffle tickets and our Chase the Ace Progressive tickets beside the Food Table, either inside or outside. The Father's Day raffle tickets are for a Jaren Bell fireplace, Ugly Stick fishing rod and reel, a Camo lawn chair and cooler plus a case of 24 beer. These tickets are only $5.00 and the draw will be made Sunday following our Father's Day Brunch! Chase the Ace will be played starting around 3:30 in the Legion Lounge. You must name a proxy or be present in order to win. Our ticket seller will be happy to explain to you how it works. Currently our Chase the Ace is sitting at over $1,900.00 plus half of the proceeds from this week's sales. If you don't draw the Ace of Hearts you will win a guaranteed $50.00.
After 2:00 pm you will be able to purchase both sets of tickets down in the Lounge plus our regular meat draw tickets. For only $5.00 a strip you will have a chance to win everything from Wing night certificates to cuts of meat.
We look forward to providing you a place to cool off and enjoy some company while you are out enjoying the car show!
Royal Canadian Legion, 150 3rd St NE, Weyburn
Copyright 2022 Golden West Broadcasting. All rights reserved.