Question. Our agave plant has a tall flower stalk that is starting to decline. What care does the plant need after flowering?
Answer. Most likely your agave is the sensational century plant that grows a flower stalk to twenty feet high. This spectacular growth is a unique feature as the blooms are yellow but not very showy. Sadly after the flowers and stalk begin to decline so does the parent plant. The good news, however, is new plants, called pups, can form at the base to flower in not a century, but about 10 or so years. Since they are often closely spaced and too numerous for many landscapes, they can be dug and moved to a new location or shared with friends.
Q. I have a pineapple plant that has produced fruit for the last three years. How long could it continue to produce fruit?
A. Commercial pineapple producers keep their plants for about three years then clear the fields and replant as the production of marketable fruits declines. But you and I don’t care if the fruits are a bit smaller than grocery store size, so we can keep the plants growing indefinitely. Gradually our plantings become congested and the fruits approach softball size. It is probably best to start a few new plants each year from offshoots or tops and occasionally replace the older plantings in our yards as production declines.
Q. What we have been told is basketgrass or woodsgrass is growing in our yard. Is there a control as it is slowly filling areas?
A. Gardeners looking for a good ground cover might think this low-growing creeping plant is ideal. But, the Florida version is only temporary and very invasive. Seeds germinate in spring and this true grass produces lots of seeds. Even though it may look great now, basketgrass dies during the fall. When growing it actually becomes a nuisance filling open areas especially in shady landscapes.
Nonselective weed control products can be used to control basketgrass following label instructions. Just be sure to spray only what you want to kill. A crabgrass preventer can be applied in spring to control seed germination. Many gardeners have also found a home remedy of a very light dusting of baking soda as a selective control in lawns. Be careful not to use too much and apply in the late afternoon or early evening. It takes several days to be effective and appears to cause minimal harm to turf. If you want to give this technique a try, treat a small area to see how it works for you.
Q. Several recently obtained orchids are hanging under trees in our yard. What would be considered good care?
A. Orchids are survivors that can grow and flower with minimal care but the best plants get regular watering and feeding during the warmer months. Most plants growing in the orchid potting mixtures are watered every two to three days spring through fall. Just a misting from a hose is often adequate. And when growing under a tree the almost daily summer rains would be adequate. Bare root orchids, growing without a potting mixture are going to need daily watering during the hot dry weather.
Regular watering and feeding during the warmer months can help orchids thrive. (Mike Morones/The Free Lance-Star via AP) (Mike Morones /AP)
Begin every other week feedings with an orchid fertilizer when the weather warms during late winter or spring. Continue the feedings through late fall. Some gardeners substitute a small handful of slow-release fertilizer in a fine mesh bag for frequent feedings. The bags are set or hung with the orchids. These can feed the orchids for months. Feedings are less frequent or discontinued during the cooler weather
Q. A thick brown covering is forming on some lower leaves of our container-grown ivy. Is this affecting the plant?
A. A slime mold has oozed up the leaves of your plants. These are fungal-like growths in a variety of colors that live on organic matter in soils. They cause minimal plant damage but may shade leaves causing them to yellow. They are best washed or brushed off the foliage. A chemical control is normally not needed.
Q. I was told the best mowing method for my zoysia lawn is with a reel mower and to mow it short. Do I need to buy a special mower?
A. Gardeners wanting that perfect clean-cut turf would find reel mowers ideal for any lawn and especially some of the golf course-type grasses. But for the rest of us, a plain, old rotary mower is going to do a good job. Zoysias are no exception but they are cut a bit shorter than the bahia and St. Augustine lawns.
A good-looking zoysia lawn is cut to about two inches with a rotary mower. This height seems to keep the turf vigorous and less likely to have disease problems. Keep the rotary mower blade sharp to avoid jagged edges at the tips of the leaf blades that can encourage disease. Also, mow in different directions from time to time to avoid ruts in the lawn.
Q. Some sunny spots in our landscape never seem to grow good grass. We have resodded the areas and they die within a year. What should we do?
A. Problem spots may be due to soil-borne pests including nematodes and the take-all root rot fungus. Or they could be due to soils that once dry are very hard to rewet. Turfs in these areas develop poor root systems and cannot survive the more stressful times of the year.
Make one more attempt to establish new turf by first removing the declining grass. It’s also best to remove a few inches of the soil to eliminate pests that may be present. Replace the old soil with a lawn soil or a potting soil mix and till the ground 4- to 6-inches deep. Add the new turf and give the improved site normal care.
Tom MacCubbin is an urban horticulturist emeritus with the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Write him: Orlando Sentinel, P.O. Box 2833, Orlando FL 32802. Email: Blog with Tom at