Garage, patio, yard and rummage sales are beginning to appear throughout the community, like this one at Columbia Park in Olmsted Township. (Joanne Berger DuMound, special to
OLMSTED FALLS, Ohio -- The weather is finally breaking. The sun is out. Those snowblowers are being put to bed.
Talking about beds: Flower, vegetable and herb plants will soon begin to feel the warm soil. And folks are enjoying the outdoors.
It is also the start of posters appearing in the community alerting bargain seekers and those who don’t mind secondhand items and clothing to garage, patio, yard and rummage sales.
One that is occurring soon is at Columbia Park. Its residents are sponsoring a Community Patio Sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 22. The mobile home park is at 7100 Columbia Road.
This upcoming May 22 Patio Sale is at Columbia Park in Olmsted Township. (Joanne Berger DuMound, special to
All you need to do is pull up to the gatehouse, say you are there for the patio sale and you will receive a map of those participating. Simply look for the balloons at the various residences. It will occur rain or shine.
If your church, organization or center will have one of these sales this season, drop me an email at and we’ll gladly let everyone know about it.
I know I love finding kids’ items at a bargain price, so I just may see you at one.
Gigantic children’s sale: The best kids’ items sale in the community is this Saturday (May 14) at Olmsted Falls Intermediate School.
The Olmsted Early Childhood PTA’s Bargain Bonanza offers all sorts of great kids’ clothing, furniture, toys and other items. The sale is a great way to jump on some great buys for your kids or grandkids.
The format is a bit of a change from previous years: It is a table sale. Sellers will have their own tables at which you can select items and pay. So be sure to bring lots of smaller bills. It’s all in trying to make buyers -- and sellers -- a bit more comfortable after bringing this event back after the pandemic.
Those wanting an early start will have one when the sale opens at 8 a.m. for a $5 early bird admission fee. The admission drops to $2 from 9 a.m. to noon.
Be sure to bring large bags -- or maybe even a wagon -- to haul away your purchases.
Olmsted Falls outlook: The Olmsted Chamber of Commerce is hosting the State of the Falls session from 9 to 10 a.m. May 19 in the Olmsted Falls City Hall Council Chambers.
Mayor Jim Graven will present the state of affairs in Olmsted Falls. It is open to residents and businesses. A light breakfast will be provided.
It is free, but registration is requested to plan for the event. You may register at
Time ‘running’ out: If you’ve been considering being a runner/walker in the May 29 Olmsted Spirit 5K Run/Walk Race Series, well, just do it.
The race begins and ends at Olmsted Falls High School. The running route takes you through the Olmsted Township Fire Department’s bay as you begin returning to the school. The main event starts at 8 a.m.
The event has a few new options this year -- a 1-mile run/walk and a team series.
Awards in the 5K run and Tactical Vest Division will be given to the top man and woman. Top man/woman performers in each age group also will be awarded. The new team series invites teams of five to seven runners. Only the top five on each team, however, will be included in the team score.
The kids’ run starts at 9:15 a.m. You have two options -- a 40-meter dash or a 400-meter run, which is once around the track. Both races are entirely on the high school track.
The cost is $10 before the race weekend and $20 during that time. Kids will receive a run medal and post-race pancake breakfast.
Online registration is available at So, just go there and register -- now.
Parade sign-up: You may still register to be part of the May 30 Memorial Day parade in Olmsted Falls. Groups, teams, churches, individuals and others are invited to march in the parade.
The parade gathers at 9 a.m. in the Falls-Lenox Primary School parking lot on Bagley Road. It will then begin heading toward the Village Green at 9:30 a.m.
Go the city’s website at and click on the Memorial Day banner to register. You need to complete a short form. Any questions, call 440-235-1055.
Kampus kudos: The University of Mount Union acknowledged some local residents at its Senior Recognition and Honors Convocation.
Chase Filicko received the All-Ohio Athletic Conference Outstanding Academic Status and Alpha Lambda Delta Senior Certificate. She is part of the women’s volleyball team. Student athlete honorees are recognized as achieving varsity status and holding at least a 3.5 GPA during the current academic year.
Meghan Sheneman received the Alpha Lambda Delta Senior Certificate. The National Office of Alpha Lambda Delta awards senior certificates to those who maintain at least a 3.5 GPA.
Rylan Wikle received the All-Ohio Athletic Conference Outstanding Academic Status. He is on the men’s soccer team.
Lauren Francescone received the All-Ohio Athletic Conference Outstanding Academic Status. She is on the women’s soccer team.
Meals and flowers: Dean’s Greenhouse in Westlake is offering help to Westlake Meals on Wheels, which serves our community.
The greenhouse will donate 30 percent of your purchases now through June 15 to this nonprofit group if you mention Westlake Meals on Wheels when you pay.
Westlake Meals on Wheels serves Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Township, North Olmsted, Westlake and Bay Village. It offers a cold and hot meal Monday through Friday to its clients.
This fundraiser is a great way to help those who are unable, whether permanently or temporarily, to shop or cook for themselves. Why not help this organization.
We also have some wonderful greenhouses and garden centers here in Olmsted Falls and Olmsted Township. The Dean’s Greenhouse fundraiser is an honorable one. And so are our own garden centers. Maybe break up your purchases or simply hit Dean’s through June 15 and come on back home after June 15.
Reminder: Gather cloth items you no longer need and donate them to the Olmsted Falls Music Association’s Fill the Truck event from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 21 in the Falls-Lenox Primary School parking lot.
The group is collaborating with Savers for this fundraiser. Items that are accepted include clothing; shoes; accessories such as scarves, belts, purses, hats, book bags and cloth lunch boxes; and household items such as linens, curtains, draperies, towels, bedding and fabric.
All donors will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Savers will compensate the music group based on the pounds of cloth items collected.
Information, please: To include news, tidbits, honors or activities in Olmsted Falls and Olmsted Township, contact Joanne DuMound at She is also on Twitter, @JoanneDuMound. The column’s online version at has direct links for many news items.
Read more from the Sun Post Herald.
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