Tips for Storing Expressed Breast Milk while Traveling, Useful for Homecoming |

2022-09-16 22:16:05 By : Mr. XINJI GUO

When traveling, ASI storage must be considered so that it does not go stale on the goTraveling with a baby is a tricky business.It can be a fun moment, but it can also be troublesome at times.One of the things to worry about when traveling with a baby is how to store expressed breast milk so that it remains of good quality and drinkable.Not to mention that Mama has to pump breast milk on the way so that milk production remains smooth and the little one does not lack milk intake.Maybe this sounds so inconvenient.However, you don't need to worry anymore, because this time has summarized tips for storing expressed breast milk while traveling.Just take a look at the full tips here!If you are planning to go on a long trip with your little one, it would be nice if you first pumped your breast milk before departure.Pumping breast milk before leaving aims to empty the mother's breasts.The reason is because the supply of breast milk will be more abundant when the breast is empty.The breast milk that you have expressed can be taken on a trip and stored neatly.However, Mama can also store it at home to stock up on your little one's intake after traveling home.When the milk has been pumped, you can transfer it to a milk storage bag or clean food-grade container with a tight-fitting lid made of glass or BPA-free plastic.Also, make sure the breast milk is tightly sealed and labeled.The label contains information about the time and date when the milk is pumped.This label aims to determine when breast milk is not suitable for consumption.If there is no time label, then it could be an error in giving breast milk that has been stored for too long so that it can endanger the baby's health.One of the mandatory equipment that needs to be brought to maintain the quality of ASIP is a cooler bag and ice gel.For ice gel, you should bring more than two so that the temperature of the milk is really maintained.The function of the cooler bag is to keep the temperature of the expressed milk cool, so it can last longer.The reason is, if stored at room temperature, freshly expressed breast milk can only last about 4-6 hours.If the breast milk is stored in a colder temperature such as a cooler bag, the shelf life can be longer, it can even last 12 to 24 hours as long as the ice gel is still cold.Meanwhile, ice gel functions to cool ASIP when stored in a cooler bag.It should be underlined that ice gel is different from ice cubes.Ice gel tends to last longer, so breast milk also lasts longer.An electric breast pump makes it very easy for Mama to travel while carrying a baby.This tool can pump breast milk automatically so you don't have to pump it yourself.That way, the process of pumping breast milk will be faster.In addition, Mama also does not need to spend excessive energy to pump breast milk so that it does not cause fatigue during the trip.Before going on a trip, you should make sure first whether there is a refrigerator where you are going.This refrigerator is very important for storing breast milk that has been expressed.When you arrive at the destination, you should immediately store the breast milk in the refrigerator.That way, you can store your breast milk stock without worrying about it going stale.So, those are tips for storing expressed breast milk while traveling.Use these tips as a guide to keep breast milk in good quality during the trip.That way, your baby's milk intake will still be fulfilled while traveling later.Hi Ma, Mama is starting to be able to ask questions and share experiences with parenting experts.Weekly pregnancy guide for mothers/mothers, complete with articles and calculations for labor planning