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The Muscle Blaster Mini from Jawku.
Welcome to Gimme That, a column where we’ll highlight one notable item we think you might like. Whether it’s an article of clothing, an intriguing electronic device or anything in between, we want to share these items with you because they’ve generated a bit of chatter by our water cooler (or, these days, on our Slack channel). So sit back, scroll down and keep up with the latest gear golf has to offer.
Jawku’s Muscle Blaster Mini is the perfect size to carry around on the course. When you start to tighten up out there, this little gadget will have you feeling loose and ready to make birdie in minutes.
Despite weighing only a pound, it really packs a punch, delivering up to 40 pounds of pressure through multiple speed settings. It comes with a mini carrying case that houses the blaster and four different massage heads for organization and easy access. It’s also really quiet — a key feature that makes it an ideal product for on course use. You won’t have to worry about disturbing your playing partners as they prepare for their upcoming shots. In fact, they’ll probably be asking you if they can give this a try, too, after they see how much it improves your game!
All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. If you buy a linked product, GOLF.COM may earn a fee. Pricing may vary. and GOLF Magazine are published by EB GOLF MEDIA LLC, a division of 8AM GOLF