Estimated read time: 3-4 minutes
FARMINGTON — There were four different drugs in Sean Douglas Mikesell's system when he hit two bikers with his pickup truck, killing one and injuring the other, according to charges filed Monday in 2nd District Court.
The 29-year-old West Bountiful man is also a self-reported member of the criminal gang SAC — Soldiers of Aryan Culture — and since 2012 has been convicted of multiple felonies, including forgery, burglary and aggravated assault, court records show.
And at the time of the July 21 accident, Mikesell was on parole from the Utah State Prison, the charges state.
He now faces a charge of negligently operating a vehicle resulting in death, a second-degree felony; weapon possession by a restricted person and obstructing justice, third-degree felonies; negligently operating a vehicle resulting in injury, a class A misdemeanor; two misdemeanor drug possession charges and a traffic infraction.
Mikesell is accused of hitting Michael Scott Roberts, 53, and his teenage daughter, who were riding bikes in a designated bike lane just after 4 p.m. on July 21 near 1050 W. Pages Lane in West Bountiful.
Police say Mikesell was eastbound when he drifted off the main roadway into the shoulder, striking Roberts and his daughter from behind, and came to a stop 166 yards down the street, according to the charges.
"Mikesell was heard saying he hit them and to call 911," a police booking affidavit states. "Approximately nine individuals heard the crash and all but one said they did not hear any braking or squealing of tires that would suggest evasive action. The other individual said they did not remember whether they heard those sounds."
Roberts was pronounced dead at the scene. His daughter temporarily lost consciousness and was taken to Primary Children's Hospital where she was found to have a concussion, a large scalp injury that required staples, and substantial road rash, according to the charges.
One witness said she was outside getting her mail when she heard a loud bang. "She turned around and saw a truck and bodies flying through the air. She saw the truck continuing to drive at a high rate of speed down the road, possibly subsequently running over the male victim," the charges state.
When police arrived, they found Mikesell without any visible injuries and behaving erratically, according to the charges. Police say he asked officers several times to shoot him, struggled to maintain consciousness, and appeared to be under the influence of a controlled substance.
A blood draw found that Mikesell had amphetamine, methamphetamine, codeine and morphine in his system, the charges allege.
Officers found drug paraphernalia in a storm drain by the passenger side of Mikesell's truck, including several hypodermic needles, a small digital scale and a silver spoon, according to the court documents. Investigators say some of the needles appeared used while one was loaded with a liquid substance that flash-tested positive for methamphetamine.
Inside the truck, police reported finding 10 packs of unopened hypodermic syringes, two white pills of an unknown substance, a mirror covered in white residue with an empty plastic bag taped to it, a cooler with open bottles of alcohol, and a container with multiple burns and melt marks on the foam lining.
They also found two glass bottles of naxolone, a nasal Narcan administrator, two home drug tests, a drug detox drink, a pocket knife and a fixed-blade knife, the charges state.
Prosecutors requested that Mikesell be held without bail, "due to the homicidal nature of this offense, that the defendant was on felony parole when he committed this current offense, and due to the ongoing danger that Mikesell presents to the community."
Correction: A previous version incorrectly referred to the gang Soldiers of Aryan Color instead of Soldiers of Aryan Culture.