Apart from being produced from natural ingredients, PIO from the Nation's Children is already licensed by BPOM - News Hunter

2022-06-10 23:01:48 By : Mr. Shanon Woo

BANDUNG, newshunter.id ||Pio is a product developed by PT ZHAFIRAH SAMUDERA NUSANTARA in collaboration with BRIN (NASIONAL INNOVATION RESEARCH AGENCY) through technology-based startup company incentives (ppbt), Pio is an organic fish preservative that has been given a distribution permit by BPOM with the criteria for btp (additive ingredients). food) with the number MD RI 277828001811.Pio was created as an economic solution for fishermen in Indonesia as a substitute for formalin and borax because Pio is made from vegetables and fruits, namely spinach, watercress, salt and persimmons.Mrs. Hadidzah, who is familiarly called Teh Idza, is the owner of PT ZHAFIRAH SAMUDERA NUSANTARA which produces Pio directly with experts and their team at Jln Mengger no 99 A. Bandung Regency.And Pio has socialized to various regions and islands such as West Java, East Java, North Sulawesi, NTB, Ambon, Makasar Bantaeng, Yogya, Papua, Aceh, Bali, Bangka Belitung, and several other areas, and has received support from the local government, especially in East Java. from 2019 until now 2022 is still running regularly and has the support of the governor's mother Khofifah and Nur Wahidah as the Head of Marine Affairs and now Pio has socialized with the central KKP in the quality development section with the Director General (Dr. Trisna Ningsih, A.Pi, M .Si).The hope of the owner of PT ZHAFIRAH SAMUDERA NUSANTARA is that Pio wants to be a secondary product.The product of this country's children again makes us proud, especially the fishermen in Indonesia, especially the one who developed this product is a mother who contributes to our beloved country, Indonesia.Mrs. Hj.Hadidzah, originally from Bandung, who developed a marine fish preservative product with the PIO ZSN brand, a natural product that uses organic ingredients made from vegetables, will certainly make it safe for consumers.PIO is a liquid as a food preservative for types of fish, especially marine fish such as: FISH, SHRIMP, CLAMS, CRAB, LOBSTER, etc., as we know Food that has been damaged should not be consumed, no matter how small the amount.Usually, the contaminated food experiences changes in color, taste, smell, and texture.Especially the types of marine fish that are loaded with various kinds of toxins (poisons) if the preservation method is wrong.From fishermen to food stalls, restaurants, hotels and households, it is necessary to be part of the practice of healthy living.PIO IS RECOMMENDED AND WELL USED BY:WHOLESALE, SUPERMARKET/FISH MARKET, TRADITIONAL/MODERN MARKET, BIG/SMALL FISHERMAN, HOTEL, RESTAURANT/RESTAURANT, HOUSEHOLD CULINARY ENTREPRENEURS, MSMEs and many more.Why do we still need preservatives?The main reason is because humans need to maintain the consistency and quality of the product, increase or maintain nutritional value, maintain usability, control PH and improve/maintain taste or give color.PIO itself has obtained a BPPOM permit with registration number RI MD 277828001811, of course it has gone through a lab test from the institution that has the right to determine how much is the safe limit from the use of preservatives.Of course PIO products.Because PIO is made from plants/plants of water salad, spinach, persimmons, and sea salt with an ideal composition.From nature cares for nature.Surely very safe is not it?Oh yes, PIO is 100% Indonesian product made by the nation's own children, you know.Of course, we are still proud to use our own domestic products.How to use PIO is very easy and is attached to each package.For the comparison of application prices, of course, it is no less competitive with other chemical additives.(See the description at the bottom of this explanation).Immediately order PIO today.Delivery will be carried out from the area closest to your area where our agent is already there.Or from the CENTER (BANDUNG , WEST JAVA).PIO can be sent to all regions of the Republic of IndonesiaHow to use it, of course, very easy, here are the instructions:Enough With a dose of 25-30 liters good / enough to use for 250 kg of fish.(Can be entered periodically).a.Marinate the fish for 5 to 7 minutes.For small fish.b. Soak the fish for 10 to 15 minutes.For large fish.Remove and store/drain in a cool place with a temperature of 0° to 2° Celsius.Then you can store it in the Cooler Box/Chiller in the refrigerator.If in the Cooler Box, add additional ice cubes as usual (fresh fish traders).The durability of preservation using PIO is up to 30 days without changing the smell, texture and taste of fish.Kemenristek RI looks at PIO ZSN as a superior product for fishermen, as a government regulator, of course, is very supportive of maintaining food hygiene for its people.TO BE A REGIONAL DISTRIBUTOR, please contact directly to the head office.Office: JI.Teak Indah 1 No.21 RT.05 RW.11, Ex.Rumble, District.Batu Nunggal Bandung 40275 .Save my name, email and website in this browser for the next time I comment.