The following restaurant inspections with critical violations were conducted by Richland Public Health between May 18 and May 24:
• OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital, 335 Glessner Ave., Mansfield, May 18. Food employee(s) did not wash hands when required (critical, corrected during inspection). Employee observed touching face and did not wash hands before returning to work. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Bag of sausage links in walk-in freezer observed with package open and contents exposed. PIC voluntarily discarded approximately 3 pounds. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Corn puree, one serving, uncovered in freezer next to preparation line. PIC voluntary discarded. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). CFS chef table had ambient temperature in lower area of 44 degrees. PIC voluntarily discarded 2 pounds of strawberry puree with an internal temperature of 44 degrees and 2 pounds of whipped topping internal temperature of 48 degrees for an undetermined amount of time. Use only if unit can hold internal temperatures of 41 degrees or below. Presence of live insects, rodents and other pests (critical, corrected during inspection). Small rodent droppings observed in two corners of dry goods storage and in corner of equipment storage in basement. Food contact surfaces not easily cleanable (critical, corrected during inspection). Box cutters observed used for opening avocado product. Direct connection between the sewage system and a drain originating from equipment in which food, portable equipment, or utensils are placed (critical). Drain lines for Pepsi machine in dining room were below the flood rim of the drain.
• The Golden Burrito Mexican Grill, 574 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, May 19. Improper bare-hand contact with RTE foods (critical). Observed employee touching hard cheese in make table. Advised person in charge (PIC) to discard cheese and instructed employees on proper food handling procedures. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical). Observed reach-in cooler reading of 50 degrees. Correct by May 20. Manual wash solution not being maintained at 110 degrees or above (critical repeat). Observed 100 degrees at three compartment sink wash temperature. Correct by May 20.
• Hesham Quick Stop Inc., 398 S. Diamond St., Mansfield, May 19. Handwashing sink not accessible (critical). Observed clutter in hand sink. Correct by May 23.
• The Old Bag of Nail Pub - Mansfield LLC, 625 Lexington Ave. Unit #8, Mansfield, May 19. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed uncovered containers of pickles, lemons and onion rings. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed containers of sliced and diced tomatoes in the top of the make table cooler at 47-50 degrees. PIC voluntarily discarded tomatoes.
• Comfrey Corner Natural Foods @ Sterkel Shoppes, 625 Lexington Ave. Unit 5, Mansfield, May 19. Missing and/or incomplete allergen declaration(s) (critical, corrected during inspection). M&M candies did not have label with complete ingredients to include allergen declarations.
• Crestview Middle School, 1575 Ohio 96 E., Ashland, May 19. TCS foods not being hot held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Tater tots measured on serve line at 133 degrees. Listed food reheated to 165 and re-served.
• Knights of Columbus, 250 Vernon Road, Shelby, May 20. Private water system does not meet required water quality standards (critical). Facility is to utilize alternative potable water source till safe sample can be obtained. Correct by May 31.
• Speedway #9183, 907 Springmill St., Mansfield, May 20. Handwashing sink is being used for purposes other than handwashing (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed staining in hand sink in food prep area and residue from discarded items. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Unwrapped apples observed in self service where they could be contaminated by splash, dust or sneeze.
• Richland Correctional Institute Commissary, 1001 Olivesburg Road, Mansfield, May 20. Employees are not informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health (critical, corrected during inspection). No employee reporting agreement was provided.
• Richland Correctional Institution, 1001 Olivesburg Road, Mansfield, May 20. Improper washing of hands and arms (critical, corrected during inspection). Food worker observed contaminating hands by touching sink handle with clean hands without barrier between hands and surface of sink. Single-use gloves used improperly (critical, corrected during inspection). Food worker observed touching ready-to-eat desert cake with gloved hands and changing tasks by touching nonfood contact surfaces of serving line counters.
• Cornerstone Bar & Grill, 586 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, May 20. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed raw meat and poultry improperly stored on shelf.
• KV Market, 359 W. Fourth St., Mansfield, May 24. Handwashing sink is being used for purposes other than handwashing (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed a pair of cloth gloves hanging on the front of the hand sink behind the deli counter. Food package(s) received in poor condition (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed large dents on several cans of food. PIC removed dented cans from sale. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed two packages of meat in the retail freezer that had torn plastic wrap on the corner of the package. PIC had packages of meat rewrapped. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed an opened package of pepper jack cheese in the deli case without a date mark. Ready-to-eat, TCS food not properly discarded when required (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Observed an opened package of turkey in the deli case with a use by date of May 23. PIC voluntarily discarded approximately five pounds of turkey. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed an opened package of American cheese in the deli case without a date mark. PIC voluntarily discarded cheese. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed an opened package of turkey in the deli case without a date mark. PIC voluntarily discarded turkey. Missing and/or incomplete allergen declaration(s) (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Observed chef salads with shredded cheese and hard boiled eggs in deli cooler without an allergen declaration. Manual wash solution not being maintained at 110 degrees or above (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed the wash water in the three compartment sink in the meat room at 89 degrees.
• Ohio Health Mansfield Hospital, 335 Glessner Ave., Mansfield, May 24. Presence of live insects, rodents, and other pests (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Small rodent droppings observed on dry goods supplement shelf.
• What's The Skoop, 408 S. Diamond St., Mansfield, May 24. No person in charge present in food facility during inspection (critical). Thirty days to have required training in personnel in place.
For full inspection details, visit